Hello and Goodbye

Home Sweet Home

Home Sweet Home

Hello everyone!

So as you know, it is well past September 7th, and absolutely no posts. My greatest apologies. As many of you know, I have taken my departure to college and since being here, life has gotten to new levels (for me, anyway) of crazy/busy. Honestly, college instantly became home to me and my new friends have become family. Each day brings a new adventure whether it be exploring the town, taking trips to Walmart, rainy movie days, or going to some parties. You know, the usual college stuff.

But even with my busy schedule, I still miss blogging! Every time I get a notification from WordPress, I get a gnawing pang of guilt. And GUYS! I seriously miss talking to my fellow bloggers. Like, you guys literally make my day with your amazing comments and blogs. It’s just that….. blogging means taking pictures. And for some reason, that confidence I built up at home has suddenly vanished. I’ve tried taking pictures here at college. And I cannot do it. Feelings of absolute dread fill up inside me when I tried.

So I’m taking an extended leave of absence! Definitely when I come home for my birthday in a couple of weeks (October 18th-Mark your calendars!), I’ll be sure to take a ton of pictures! In the mean time, I’m still trying to figure out how to take pictures here. I’m pretty sure my nostalgia for blogging will crack me one of these days and I’ll just do it. That hasn’t happened yet so expect me to come back the weekend after the 18th!

In the mean time, check out my latest pictures on Instagram! I hope everything is going amazing with you guys and I am so excited to get back into the blogging game soon 🙂



My amazing Anaconda family

My amazing Anaconda family



Raising the bar with my favorite ladies

Raising the bar with my favorite ladies

Liz + Amanda Wedding with Ryan

Liz + Amanda Wedding with Ryan

Cotton Candy Skies on the way back to Hilltop

Cotton Candy Skies on the way back to Hilltop

4 thoughts on “Hello and Goodbye

  1. Don’t sweat the fact that you haven’t been able to blog! There was no way you’d be able to predict how busy you’d be once you started school. Come back when you’re ready (: I hope you are having an amazing time at college!

Feel free to leave a comment or question! All comments mean the world to me so thank you! :)