Flutter Sleeves and Birds

bird pattern flutter sleeves dress earrings wedge heels bracelet

bird pattern flutter sleeves dress earrings wedge heels bracelet

I got this dress at the very beginning of the year and have never worn it until now. It was the last day of summer and to celebrate the beginning of senior year, I bought two dresses including this one. I loved the style with the flutter sleeves and the bird pattern (because who doesn’t like animal patterns?) but the back needed to be taken in a touch. Unfortunately,  the dress got hidden away in the mending pile for the remainder of the school year. When I found it a couple weeks ago, I was a little bummed that it had been forgotten. But thankfully, this dress is so versatile with the seasons that one would wear it in the spring as shown here or in the fall and winter with colorful tights! So even though this is the first time I’ve ever worn it, I plan to do so many times after!  🙂

I am also happy to share that I have just become a Lucky Contributor! And to be perfectly honest, I’m so totally confused… So if anyone wants to give me the low-down on this whole business, I would much appreciate it! Merci merci:)

Also, just finished making a June calendar for the month and I have so many ideas to share with you! I can’t wait! I hope every one has a great weekend and be sure to visit my Lucky Contributor profile page.

xo Olivia

bird pattern flutter sleeves dress earrings wedge heels bracelet

bird pattern flutter sleeves dress earrings wedge heels bracelet